"Thou the separation can last for long but thy hearts never make the fall of ones ground granted distress of misery. Ignominy has flattered the windows of distance and yet thrifted winds allow the message to cover the pain. The agony which has no pain and never lets anyone reach the almighty .....excruciates thy hearts. May my lord give me the clout to conquer the dragons of separation and quench the irresistible thirst of my fabulous but gratifying desire of confluence. May my lord give me the Shinnok's blade to cut the fortegmic limbs of the giant cyclops and lavenderalise the distance as Alexender's kingdom. I am never afraid of never reuniting but of that I would not be able to be complete as I was...for that myself was more than one. For that I was the sun without the shine. May I live for a thousand years but not alone in this lucrative world, where no one understands the carol of relations, the powers of respect and commitment to the love. Give me the death and I never want the life ……snatch away the immortality and let me be the part of the unseen, the dazzled, the powerful and an infinite space……… but still……..Unseparated……”
....This was written by me at the airport when I was sitting with Rd....we were for 9.5 hours together that day......